Our ability to camp 365 days a year largely depends on the options how to keep our (rooftop or other) tents warm. Well, sleeping bags intended for below -30 temperatures do exist, but freezing your nose and face off if they’re protruding from the sleeping bag isn’t really the perfect idea of nighttime comfort. And being wrapped up in your mummy-bag doesn’t really leave space to do anything but sleep while in the tent. So what are the options of improving tent-life quality in cold places?
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Hardshell or softtop rooftent?
Which is better?

Aleksandar Veljković
It’s time to enter the family of overlanding nomads and provide a home on the roof of your offroader for yourself. But how to choose your ideal rooftop tent? In this short article we try to explain the good and bad sides of the two major types of rooftop tents.
I’ve been into nomadic travel through the wilderness of the Balkans for quite a number of years now, so I could say that I’ve got “some” experience on what’s important for a comfortable life in the wild. I’ve been using a softtop foldable tent for the first 7 years of that period, and must say that I’ve been quite happy with it, although over time I’ve started being more and more aware of it’s shortcomings. A moment came when I realized that a hardshell tent would be the evolution in the right direction for me, despite it’s higher price – packing and unpacking a softtop foldable tent day after day (especially in cold or rainy conditions) simply became too much of a hassle.

Why Grand Cherokee WJ?
Written by
Aleksandar Veljković
Because it’s simply best bang for the buck!
Yes, that is how you say it if you want to cut the long story short. But, many of you want to hear the long story, because they simply don’t believe that a vehicle which has been perceived as a phony, luxury SUV by the majority can actually be a capable offroader intended for performing serious offroad tasks on a daily basis. Continue reading Why Grand Cherokee WJ?
How useful are snowchains offroad?
Almost any winter tour organizer will tell you that you can’t take part in his winter tour without snowchains. That they are the key factor to traction and mobility in various extreme winter conditions. And they are right to a certain extent. They provide that necessary security advantage when it comes to driving in groups in winter conditions.
But I don’t like them, and I never use them. Why? Because the risks of using them, as well as the preconditions for using them, outweigh the benefits. Continue reading How useful are snowchains offroad?
T-Max rooftop tent – zašto je krovni šator bolji?
Koliko puta vam se desilo da vam devojka/supruga otkaže učešće na šatorskoj turi zbog nedostatka komfora koji nomadski smeštaj podrazumeva? Koliko puta ste se pri pomisli na spavanje na hladnoj i neravnoj podlozi radije opredelili za hotelsku sobu? Koliko puta vas je spopala muka od pomisli na čitavu proceduru montaže šatora (po kiši), ukucavanja klinova u podlogu tvrdu kao kamen, vađenja kompresora i naduvavanja dušeka? Šta biste rekli kada bi vam neko ponudio komfor hotelske sobe i slobodu i pokretljivost kampovanja? Utopija?
Ne, krovni šator.
Continue reading T-Max rooftop tent – zašto je krovni šator bolji?