Tag Archives: eastern Serbia

New photo gallery added

We have just added the photo gallery from the two Homolje Goldrush 2022 tours, which took place between April 10th and 23rd 2022. Just like we always expect from April, we’ve had sun and rain, even snow, so all driving conditions were present in the tour, occasionally putting the participants before challenging tasks in the golden mountains of eastern Serbia. We also visited the Majdanpek goldmine, as well as Todor’s river, where we were demonstrated the ancient art of gold prospecting.

You can take a look at the 120 images selected for the photo album here.


New videos on our YouTube channel

Winter is always a time of intense activity when it comes to writing and producing multimedia material from previous season, so this one is no exception. In the past month we’ve made several attractive videos, of which probably the one that will draw most attention is the Albanian Wild Tracks 2021 video:

Continue reading New videos on our YouTube channel

The last oasis of freedom (part one)

Written by
Aleksandar Veljković

Living in the dream world
Living in the dream world

I’ve always loved to roam the mountains of eastern Serbia, ever since I was a kid. This vast space of mostly uninhabited wilderness is a sanctuary for all the freedom lovers who want to lose all connections with modern civilization and it’s set of rules, to escape absolute surveilance and endless “do’s and dont’s”. Actually, this is one of the few places in Europe where you still have large chunks of land that are completely out of mobile range, so you can really lose the faintest idea what is happening in the outside world. A world war could start, and you might well not realise it before it’s over!

Continue reading The last oasis of freedom (part one)

Video from Homolje Gold Rush 2017

There’s a new video in our collection – the one from Homolje Gold Rush tour, conducted in April this year. We’ve finally started producing the video material from this very busy season, so enjoy! 

If you want to experience it yourself in April 2018, click below 🙂


Read a comprehensive report about the Homolje Gold Rush 2017 tour on our blog

Lost world of eastern Serbia – video

Better late than never – we’ve finally produced the video from the fantastic tour we’ve guided for Lost World Adventures in July / August 2016. The participants were truly overwhelmed, and we believe eastern Serbia just doesn’t get any better than that. Take a look at this great video…

and, of course, take a look at the photo album with more than 250 selected images from 10 days of this tour.

Last video from BWT 2016 online

We have finally assembled and put online the last video using the material from the Balkans Wild Tracks 2016 tour:

It depicts the second part of the tour, that took place in the mountains of eastern Serbia – all the way from the far south to the north. For more info about the tour, you can read our travelogue Discovering Wild Balkans.