Balkans Wild Tracks 2016

It’s the epic adventure that we always end our camping tour season with. Spanning 4 countries over two weeks, it traverses the Balkans, enabling the participants to experience all it’s wild beauty. This year it also had a scouting part in the beginning, where we have been exploring the trails that we intend to take next year in Greece, on BWT 2017. The main part of the tour took us through Albania, Macedonia and Serbia, ending in Ždrelo spa in northeast Serbia. We’ve had everything during the tour – from the mediterranean warm autumn, to snow and below 0 temperatures as we progressed further north. And a sheer spectre of altitudes from 0 to 2600 m. Balkans Wild Tracks is always an adventure to remember.


Video from the Pindos mountains, Greece (part of next year’s “Balkans Wild Tracks”)

Video from the Albanian part of “Balkans Wild Tracks 2016”

Video from the Macedonian part of “Balkans Wild Tracks 2016”

Video from the Serbian part of “Balkans Wild Tracks 2016”

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