Secret Carpathians 2018 (spring edition)

This was the first of our three Secret Carpathians tours this season. Contrary to most of our booked out tours in 2018, this tour had only two participating vehicles – a real pity that there wasn’t more interest for it by prospective participants, considering the breathtakingly beautiful landscape and the mindshattering beautiful colour all around us.

Even the traditionally unstable weather in May turned out to be mostly good, making the occasional rain showers practically unnoticable.

Why are these “secret” Carpathians? The answer is simple – everyone’s talking about the Romanian Carpathians, or maybe the Ukrainian ones, neglecting the simple fact that river Danube isn’t the end of Carpathian’s southwards span. There are Carpathians south of Danube, and we’re revealing their hidden beauty and all of their diversity to you with this tour.

For info about our future tours, visit×4/scheduled


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