Serbian Snow Adventure 2017

This winter we’ve tried, and succeeded in doing what many people thought was impossible – getting to the heart of Serbian mountains in the season with the heaviest snowfall of the decade. The opening day went well, since we’ve conducted it in the bordering areas in the far west of Kučaj mountains, where the amount of snow is moderate, and already melting. We’ve also visited the Eco Farm Milanovic where we’ve had lunch. On day two we tried to get to the heart of the Kučaj mountains from two directions, only to find out that we’re helpless wherever the snowplows didn’t clear the forest roads – with or without snow chains. An average of 60 cm of snow, and not just any snow, but layered, hard packed snow (which would translate into some 2 metres of fluffy, powdery snow) is inpenetrable to anything but snowmobiles. Day three brought us some real deep snow offroad action, in the heart of the Kučaj highlands! On day four we’ve moved to western Serbia, to Golija mountain, Pešter and Zlatar, with a great base in Golijski konaci. Golija brought us the possibility to reach 1700+ m of altutude, but also overwhelming snow, which was no easier to master than the snow in Kučaj. After the roundtrip of Golija on day five, the grand finale of the tour was crossing from Golija to Javor, and then further to the famous Molitva scenic point above the Uvac river, ending the day in Zlatar mountain. In the aftermath of the tour, while some participants hurried to get back home, part of the group took an easy ride to Belgrade, to have a pleasent evening with an authentic cultural experience.

Watch video about the Serbian Snow Adventure 2017 tour:

Watch the day 3 video:

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