South Serbian Nomad’s Adventure

This tour was really the crown of our 2015 summer season – the marvelous landscape of southeastern Serbia revealed to us in all it’s beauty, showed that it can stand up to any other popular offroading area in Europe. It was a discrete, small, two vehicle group, which granted us a relaxed atmosphere and lots of space for exploring and improvisations outside of a strict daily plan. From Suva to Stara planina, then further south over Ruj, Vlasina lake, Besna Kobila, Dukat ridge and Kukavica, the area has a huge potential for further improvements of the tour, which we’ll use to make it an adventure extremely hard to resist in 2016! 😎 The album contains asorted images from the 8 days of the tour.

In 2017 our South Serbian tour will be from July 9th to 15th –×4/scheduled/south-serbian/

Register NOW to reserve your place!

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