
Overlanding vs offroading – different concepts

Written by Aleksandar Veljković
Written by Aleksandar Veljković

Although I spend most of my time exploring the world in a 4×4 vehicle, I drifted away from the mainstream offroading community long ago. Every invitation to a local 4×4 offroading event was a big bore to me, and over time the guys in the community started regarding me as some sort of an arogant asshole, who thinks is “above” them and something special. But the truth is that, for some reason, what they were doing was unbearably boring to me. Pushing the pedal to the metal, inventing artificial obstacles to master and competing against each other, simply didn’t light my fire.

Continue reading Overlanding vs offroading – different concepts

Montenegro tour also in July

Due to high interest, we have added a July date to our traditional Montenegro Highlands tour, which will in 2018 also feature the final two days in the mountains of north Albania – and we have also added rafting on the Tara river!

You can view more details and choose your date (July or August) here:


Balkans Wild Tracks video

We have just produced the video from the first of our Balkans Wild Tracks tours in 2017, which was guided for the clients of our Dutch partner, 4WD Travel. Fascinating terrain of Greece, Albania and Macedonia (FYROM easily produces a fascinating video. Enjoy!

And if you want to secure your place in the Balkans Wild Tracks 2018 tour, you can do it here:


New date for our winter tour

Due to existing demand we rescheduled our winter tour in the mountains of Carpathian Serbia for February 4th to 10th 2018, and registrations are open now at this address – https://www.rustikatravel.com/4×4/scheduled/balkans-snow-trails/

Join us for some true winter fun in the Balkans!

Take a look what this tour looked like last year:

Self-organized or guided tour?

IT technology has given many people the means to explore hidden and obscured parts of the world and to do individual tour planning without the help of commercial tour guides. Google Maps are a great tool for getting an insight into topography not covered by official roadmaps, but if you think you can plan a tour only based on what you see in Google maps coupled with the tracks that can be downloaded from the free GPS data portals like Wikiloc, you’re in for some nasty surprises. And should be well prepared for changing your plan often while you’re on the move. Continue reading Self-organized or guided tour?

Three new videos from our studio

Our winter video production is picking up pace – we’ve recently made three new videos from the material recorded during the 2017 season tours. The latest one is the Eastern Serbian Nomad’s Adventure tour video

This tour has now evolved into the Secret Carpathians tour series, but this June 2017 tour edition had a very intimate atmosphere with memorable singing and guitar playing by the campfire. Check it out!

Continue reading Three new videos from our studio

How useful are snowchains offroad?

Almost any winter tour organizer will tell you that you can’t take part in his winter tour without snowchains. That they are the key factor to traction and mobility in various extreme winter conditions. And they are right to a certain extent. They provide that necessary security advantage when it comes to driving in groups in winter conditions.

But I don’t like them, and I never use them. Why? Because the risks of using them, as well as the preconditions for using them, outweigh the benefits. Continue reading How useful are snowchains offroad?

Offroad mit Herz für die Natur

Toni Edelmayr

Lange haben wir in diversen Foren nach Anbietern von Offroadreisen gesucht. Dabei sind wir auch immer wieder über Rustikatravel und Aleksander gestolpert.

Irgendwann haben wir dann auch den Newsfeed abonniert, seine Kommentare, seine Informationen, seine Statements haben es uns angetan. Warum das?

Continue reading Offroad mit Herz für die Natur