Tag Archives: 4×4

Unsere offroad / overlanding Touren im 2025

(Click here for Englisch)

Gemeinsam mit Ihnen wachsen wir jedes Jahr. Wie Sie wissen, haben wir uns im Herbst 2024 in Dreamscape Overland umbenannt. Damit haben wir einen Namen angenommen, der die Essenz der Touren einfängt auf die wir Sie mitnehmen – Overlanding durch Traumlandschaften, Entdecken der schönsten Bergkämme und Gipfel, Schlafen auf versteckten wilden Campingplätzen in verzauberten Wäldern, erreichen dieser über Wege die auf keiner der Karten verzeichnet sind und die oft seit Jahren niemand mehr befahren hat – außer uns.

Wir teilen mit Ihnen die pure Freude verlassene Orte (weit außerhalb der Reichweite von Handy-Empfang) zu entdecken, die fast jeden Kontakt mit der Zivilisation in der wir leben verloren haben, obwohl diese Zivilisation vielleicht nur 20 oder 30 Kilometer weiter gedeiht. Sogar unsere Tour zum Auftakt der Campingsaison haben wir „The Green Hideouts“ genannt, weil Sie genau diese Orte entdecken werden – die tiefsten Geheimnisse einer vergessenen, von Vegetation überwucherten und von Menschen verlassenen Welt. Sie ist das Ergebnis von 50 Jahren leidenschaftlicher Erforschung des Balkans, die uns eine private Datenbank mit Spuren von über 200.000 km Gesamtlänge beschert hat. Kein Konkurrent kann da mithalten!

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Our offroad / overlanding tours in 2025

(Klicken sie hier für Deutsch)

Together with you, we’re growing every year. As you know, in autumn of 2024 we have rebranded to Dreamscape Overland, taking a name which captures the essence of the tours on which we’re taking you – overlanding through dreamscapes, discovering the most beautiful mountain ridges and peaks, sleeping on hidden wild campsites in enchanted forests, reaching them along trails which aren’t present in any of the maps, which has often nobody driven for years – except for us.

We share with you the pure joy of discovering desolate places (far outside of mobile range), which have lost almost all contact with the civilization that we live in, although that civilization maybe thrives only some 20 or 30 kilometres further. Even to our camping season opener tour we have given the name The Green Hideouts, because those are exactly the places that you will discover on it – the deepest secrets of a forgotten world overgrown by vegetation and abandoned by people. It is the result of 50 years of passionate exploration of the Balkans, which brought us a private database of tracks exceeding 200.000 km in overall length. No competitor can come anywhere close!

Continue reading Our offroad / overlanding tours in 2025

Balkan Offroad Touren in 2022

(click here for English)

Nach einer eineinhalbjährigen Unterbrechung unserer Offroad Touren wurden unsere Touren im Juli 2021 endlich wieder aufgenommen. Wir hatten einen wirklich wundervollen zweiten Teil des Jahres – viele Touren, viele glückliche Menschen, tolles Wetter und unvergessliche Erinnerungen an einige fantastische Orte. Der Balkan ist immer noch die letzte verbliebene echte Wildnis in Europa, eine aufregende, dynamische Landschaft, die es zu erkunden gilt und Ihnen die wahre Freiheit bietet, überall hinzugehen und in der Wildnis zu campen. Also lieber genießen, solange es dauert!

Continue reading Balkan Offroad Touren in 2022

Offroad tours in the Balkans in 2022

(clicken Sie hier für Deutsches Text)

After an interruption in our offroad tours that lasted for a year and a half, in July 2021 our tours finally resumed. We had a really wonderful second part of the year – many tours, many happy people, great weather and unforgettable memories from some fantastic places. The Balkans is still the last remaining true wilderness in Europe, an exciting, dynamic landscape to explore, offering you true freedom to go anywhere and camp in the wild. So better enjoy it while it lasts!

Continue reading Offroad tours in the Balkans in 2022

The last oasis of freedom (part one)

Written by
Aleksandar Veljković

Living in the dream world
Living in the dream world

I’ve always loved to roam the mountains of eastern Serbia, ever since I was a kid. This vast space of mostly uninhabited wilderness is a sanctuary for all the freedom lovers who want to lose all connections with modern civilization and it’s set of rules, to escape absolute surveilance and endless “do’s and dont’s”. Actually, this is one of the few places in Europe where you still have large chunks of land that are completely out of mobile range, so you can really lose the faintest idea what is happening in the outside world. A world war could start, and you might well not realise it before it’s over!

Continue reading The last oasis of freedom (part one)

Montenegro tour also in July

Due to high interest, we have added a July date to our traditional Montenegro Highlands tour, which will in 2018 also feature the final two days in the mountains of north Albania – and we have also added rafting on the Tara river!

You can view more details and choose your date (July or August) here:


New date for our winter tour

Due to existing demand we rescheduled our winter tour in the mountains of Carpathian Serbia for February 4th to 10th 2018, and registrations are open now at this address – https://www.rustikatravel.com/4×4/scheduled/balkans-snow-trails/

Join us for some true winter fun in the Balkans!

Take a look what this tour looked like last year:

Montenegro Highlands 2017

Natural beauty of the Dinaric Alps features dramatic contrast between ancient forests, grassy highland plains, and alpine type cliffs. On this highland route we’ll be crossing the world famous Tara canyon, visiting the Durmitor and Bjelasica national parks, Sinjajevina, the biggest highland plateau in the Balkans (avarage altitude 1700 m), and visit several lakes of breathtaking beauty, which will be a real feast for your camera lenses. We’ll camp in places of holy silence and unspoiled nature, and see and taste the old ways of making cheese by Montenegrian mountain folk. It will be an immersive, overwhelming experience for the senses!

See the full tour announcement (and registration form) on the Rustika Travel site.

South Serbian Nomad’s Adventure

Building on the success of Eastern Serbian Nomad’s Adventure, we take the journey further south. Stara planina left the participants in true overlander’s extasy – the sheer beauty of the mountain, the rich experience of the landscapes, combined with demanding trails, make you crave to return! So we’re starting our south Serbian journey from there. Southeast Serbia is the home to all the highest Serbian mountains, giving you the opportunity to float on endless grassy ridges. The kind of landscape typical for Stara planina goes on for an entire week in this tour, revealing to the participants mountains such as Ruj, Vardenik, Suva, Besna Kobila and Dukat.

See the full tour announcement (and registration form) on the Rustika Travel site.

Lost world of eastern Serbia – video

Better late than never – we’ve finally produced the video from the fantastic tour we’ve guided for Lost World Adventures in July / August 2016. The participants were truly overwhelmed, and we believe eastern Serbia just doesn’t get any better than that. Take a look at this great video…

and, of course, take a look at the photo album with more than 250 selected images from 10 days of this tour.