Tag Archives: overlanding

Unsere offroad / overlanding Touren im 2025

(Click here for Englisch)

Gemeinsam mit Ihnen wachsen wir jedes Jahr. Wie Sie wissen, haben wir uns im Herbst 2024 in Dreamscape Overland umbenannt. Damit haben wir einen Namen angenommen, der die Essenz der Touren einfängt auf die wir Sie mitnehmen – Overlanding durch Traumlandschaften, Entdecken der schönsten Bergkämme und Gipfel, Schlafen auf versteckten wilden Campingplätzen in verzauberten Wäldern, erreichen dieser über Wege die auf keiner der Karten verzeichnet sind und die oft seit Jahren niemand mehr befahren hat – außer uns.

Wir teilen mit Ihnen die pure Freude verlassene Orte (weit außerhalb der Reichweite von Handy-Empfang) zu entdecken, die fast jeden Kontakt mit der Zivilisation in der wir leben verloren haben, obwohl diese Zivilisation vielleicht nur 20 oder 30 Kilometer weiter gedeiht. Sogar unsere Tour zum Auftakt der Campingsaison haben wir „The Green Hideouts“ genannt, weil Sie genau diese Orte entdecken werden – die tiefsten Geheimnisse einer vergessenen, von Vegetation überwucherten und von Menschen verlassenen Welt. Sie ist das Ergebnis von 50 Jahren leidenschaftlicher Erforschung des Balkans, die uns eine private Datenbank mit Spuren von über 200.000 km Gesamtlänge beschert hat. Kein Konkurrent kann da mithalten!

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Our offroad / overlanding tours in 2025

(Klicken sie hier für Deutsch)

Together with you, we’re growing every year. As you know, in autumn of 2024 we have rebranded to Dreamscape Overland, taking a name which captures the essence of the tours on which we’re taking you – overlanding through dreamscapes, discovering the most beautiful mountain ridges and peaks, sleeping on hidden wild campsites in enchanted forests, reaching them along trails which aren’t present in any of the maps, which has often nobody driven for years – except for us.

We share with you the pure joy of discovering desolate places (far outside of mobile range), which have lost almost all contact with the civilization that we live in, although that civilization maybe thrives only some 20 or 30 kilometres further. Even to our camping season opener tour we have given the name The Green Hideouts, because those are exactly the places that you will discover on it – the deepest secrets of a forgotten world overgrown by vegetation and abandoned by people. It is the result of 50 years of passionate exploration of the Balkans, which brought us a private database of tracks exceeding 200.000 km in overall length. No competitor can come anywhere close!

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We have rebranded – welcome to Dreamscape Overland!

Today we have layed a milestone in our overlanding tour operator business – we are rebranding from Rustika Expeditions (Rustika Travel) to Dreamscape Overland, the brand under which all of our 2025 (and future) tours will take place. We are rebranding in order to expand and diversify our business, bringing you more of what you really expect from us. We have expanded our team of guides, and with our new tour portfolio for 2025 we are reaching out to the groups of our potential customers which we have previously ignored – on one side those who are more into travelling than driving challenges, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, those who want much more of a driving challenge in our tours. A third, hybrid tour genre we will launch a little later, and that will be tours which combine offroad driving with hiking.

Continue reading We have rebranded – welcome to Dreamscape Overland!

Zwischen Winter und Frühling in ost Serbien

Sollten Sie nach Serbien reisen? Marco war 10 Mal dort, also ist dies eine Gelegenheit herauszufinden warum.

Das neue Video das gerade auf unserem YouTube Kanal veröffentlicht wurde, zeigt Ihnen wie Marco Abel Ende März 2022 die Wildnis Ostserbiens erkundete, gerade als der Winter dem Frühling Platz machte. Entdecken Sie diese spannende Landschaft und hören Sie was Marco über seine bisherigen Erfahrungen zu sagen hat.

The last oasis of freedom (part one)

Written by
Aleksandar Veljković

Living in the dream world
Living in the dream world

I’ve always loved to roam the mountains of eastern Serbia, ever since I was a kid. This vast space of mostly uninhabited wilderness is a sanctuary for all the freedom lovers who want to lose all connections with modern civilization and it’s set of rules, to escape absolute surveilance and endless “do’s and dont’s”. Actually, this is one of the few places in Europe where you still have large chunks of land that are completely out of mobile range, so you can really lose the faintest idea what is happening in the outside world. A world war could start, and you might well not realise it before it’s over!

Continue reading The last oasis of freedom (part one)

Two new photo albums from Serbian tours

Material from our 2019 season is starting to be added to our gallery – there are two new albums from some very inspiring tours that took place in the wilderness of Serbia in June and July. There is a widespread belief among overlanders that Serbia is the least interesting of the Balkan countries. We’re sure that, looking at these albums, you will get the opposite impression! Serbia has a broad diversity of different landscapes, probably being more diverse than any other of the Balkan countries, and offers fantastic possibilities for wilderness exploration, especially with some, in places quite demanding forest trails. However, if you take on Serbia, you’ll have to be ready to confront vegetation on a daily basis!

Ancient Trails is our brand new tour covering the mountains of central and southwest Serbia, and Secret Carpathians is our by far most popular tour, covering the serbian part of the Carpathians in eastern Serbia, continuing into the awe inspiring Balkan mountain range along the bulgarian border. Pictures speak much louder than words in both cases!

And, if you’re unpatient to see it, direct link to the Secret Carpathians 2019 video!

Our 2019 season calendar

Offroad tour season 2019 will be a breath of fresh air in the Rustika Travel routine of traditional overland expeditions – many of you have been to all the places we’ve been taking you so far, so we desparately need completely new, 100% undriven tours for our faithful visitors.

Here they are – Rhodopean Quest (Bulgaria), Overlanding Ancient Trails (Central Serbia) and Morocco Desert Adventure (Morocco) are three journeys that are completely new in our 2019 programme! So we have a bit of everything – all of our traditional tours in the Balkans are still here for newcomers who’ve heard raving reviews about them to enjoy, but there’s plenty more to choose from.

Continue reading Our 2019 season calendar

Balkans Wild Tracks 2018 video on-line

The editing of the video from the September / October tour in the south of Balkans (Albania / (North) Macedonia / Greece) is finished, and the video has been uploaded. Take a look at the highlights from this 13-day journey through magnificent landscape in this video!

Interested to take part in a Balkans Wild Tracks tour? You can find all the info here!