Tag Archives: wildcamping

Our offroad / overlanding tours in 2025

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Together with you, we’re growing every year. As you know, in autumn of 2024 we have rebranded to Dreamscape Overland, taking a name which captures the essence of the tours on which we’re taking you – overlanding through dreamscapes, discovering the most beautiful mountain ridges and peaks, sleeping on hidden wild campsites in enchanted forests, reaching them along trails which aren’t present in any of the maps, which has often nobody driven for years – except for us.

We share with you the pure joy of discovering desolate places (far outside of mobile range), which have lost almost all contact with the civilization that we live in, although that civilization maybe thrives only some 20 or 30 kilometres further. Even to our camping season opener tour we have given the name The Green Hideouts, because those are exactly the places that you will discover on it – the deepest secrets of a forgotten world overgrown by vegetation and abandoned by people. It is the result of 50 years of passionate exploration of the Balkans, which brought us a private database of tracks exceeding 200.000 km in overall length. No competitor can come anywhere close!

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