Transilvanija – avantura bez granica

Monumentalni masiv Karpata je, pružajući se lučno kroz Rumuniju, 700 km dug, a većina grebena visoka je preko 2000 m. Brojna jezera (prirodna i veštačka), divlje planinske reke, najveće površine pod četinarskim šumama u Evropi, najveća populacija mrkih medveda na svetu, prepuno istorije, zamkova, mitova i legendi… A usred toga Transilvanija kao dom najpoznatijeg svetskog vampira :-). Za posetioca, ljubitelja prirode, Karpati su pre svega jedna bezgranična fascinacija, prilika da se oseti istinska pustolovina i sloboda istraživanja i kretanja kroz nešto što može da se percipira samo kao… čista poezija prirode. U trećoj sezoni obilaženja Karpata najduže smo se zadržali i najdalje stigli, postavili i neke rekorde, ali smo opet uspeli da pređemo samo mali deo tog nesagledivo ogromnog prostranstva. 300 fotografija i šest mapa koje se nalaze u ovoj galeriji jedva da su dovoljne da se nasluti lepota kojom smo bili okruženi tokom dve nedelje.

(english translation below)

The gorgeous range of the Carpathians in Romania is 700 km long, with most ridges reaching above 2000 m of height. Many lakes (natural and artificial), wild moutain rivers, biggest areas covered by evergreen forest in Europe, biggest bear population in the world, full of history, castles, myths and legends… In the middle of it all lies Transylvania, home of world’s most famous vampire :-). For the visitor, nature lover, Carpathians are more than anything a lasting fascination, a chance to feel true adventure and the freedom of exploring and moving through something that can be interpreted only as… authentic poetry of nature. In our third season in the Carpathians we’ve stayed the longest and covered more than ever before, set some new records, but again we managed to cover just a tiny part of that virtually limitless space. 300 photos and 6 maps in this gallery are barely sufficient to sense the beauty that surrounded us during those two weeks.

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