Category Archives: News

Vesti iz života kluba kao i druge zanimljivosti iz ofroud sveta koje smatramo bitnim za objavu na našim stranicama.

News from our club or other things from the 4×4 world that we find interesting.

Last video from BWT 2016 online

We have finally assembled and put online the last video using the material from the Balkans Wild Tracks 2016 tour:

It depicts the second part of the tour, that took place in the mountains of eastern Serbia – all the way from the far south to the north. For more info about the tour, you can read our travelogue Discovering Wild Balkans.

Offroading in Romania – beginning of the end?

Written by
Aleksandar Veljković

The Romanian Carpathians have been a European top destination for offroad and overland touring in the past decade, especially for tourists from central and eastern Europe. The beauty and wilderness of those mountains became so famous, that merely mentioning the magic word “Carpathians” or “Romania” was the selling point, no need to do any further marketing. On top of the beautiful nature and desolation, it offered the people everything that they didn’t have elsewere in the EU countries anymore, and more than anything, it was a possibility for a relaxed exploration and wild camping virtually anywhere outside of the national parks. However, very few people were aware that a law practically forbidding public traffic on forest roads and in the wild had been passed in Romania all the way back in 2007. And nobody knew that simply because Romanian forest authorities never really cared to implement that law. But it looks as if those things are going to change. It’s only a question of time…

Continue reading Offroading in Romania – beginning of the end?

Discovering wild Balkans

Written by:
Aleksandar Veljković


When mountains in the central part of the Balkans start having freezing temperatures at night in the autumn, it’s time to head south, to the warm, meditteranean part of the peninsula. That is exactly what we do every year in the Balkans Wild Tracks tour. This is the adventure we’ve experienced between October 20th and November 5th in Greece, Albania, Macedonia and Serbia.

In the Pindos mountains
In the Pindos mountains

Continue reading Discovering wild Balkans

Where are we taking you in 2017?

“Don’t live the same year 75 times, and call it a life.”

Yes – every new year is a new chance to add meaning to our lives with new adventures in places you haven’t seen before. And we offer to take you to those places, because we know where they are. Every season we explore and discover new ones, so even the tours that seem to be the same in our calendar are never the same as they were last year – every time we make them we try to achieve a higher level of traveller’s bliss, always adding to them something new and different 😎 Take a look at where and how we’ll be taking you in 2017… Continue reading Where are we taking you in 2017?

New 2016 videos on-line

Yes, it’s the video making season again! The 2 TB of new video material recorded on tours duriung this year is slowly finding it’s way to the editing software, so they’re coming, one by one. Lets see what we have released lately…

We’ve started with the longest standing material, the one from our last winter tour, in an effort to enable the candidates for the 2017 winter tour to see what they can expect.

Continue reading New 2016 videos on-line