
This page shows only our informal club tours, and occasionally also some of the tours from the Rustika Travel calendar. For a full list of Rustika Travel 2019/2020 tours, visit Rustika Travel website.

4×4 avantura po istočnoj Srbiji

Eastern Serbia , Srbija

Sedmodnevna kamperska tura kroz najživopisnije predele istočne Srbije, koja kreće od Beljanice i Kučajskih planina, zatim prelazi preko Lazarevog kanjona, Malinika i Rtnja, da bi doživela svoje veliko finale na Staroj planini. Posebne pogodnosti za članove KAUP-a. Detaljan program ture možete videti na Rustika Travel sajtu.

Transilvanija 2015

Carpathians , Rumunija

U Karpatima po šesti put... Ovoga puta idemo proverenom trasom, birajući ono najbolje iz dosadašnjih tura. Opredelili smo se za najveće prostranstvo divljine u južnim Karpatima, gde u prečniku od 200 km nema gradskog naselja niti benzinske pumpe. Beskrajni grebeni, brojni vrhovi preko 2000 m, divlje planinske reke i smaragdna jezera.Ovo je tura u zvaničnoj … Continue reading Transilvanija 2015

South Serbian Nomad’s Adventure

South Serbia , Srbija

Southeast Serbia is the home to all the highest Serbian mountains, giving you the opportunity to float on endless grassy ridges. The kind of landscape typical for Stara planina goes on for an entire week in this tour, revealing to the participants mountains such as Ruj, Vardenik, Suva, Besna Kobila and Dukat...

560 €

Serbian Trophy Adventure

South Serbia , Srbija

Participants of this tour will attend Serbian Trophy in tourist class, and after Serbian Trophy is over, a true magical journey of discovering the mountains of southern central Serbia begins...

790 €

Serbian Snow Adventure

Serbia , Srbija

When the wind starts howling, wave after wave of snow blizzards encase the Kučaj mountains in white, everyone flees them as fast as possible, knowing that they can be stranded there until springtime. Everyone, except us...

910 €