This page shows only our informal club tours, and occasionally also some of the tours from the Rustika Travel calendar. For a full list of Rustika Travel 2019/2020 tours, visit Rustika Travel website.

Latest Past Events

Homolje Gold Rush

Eastern Serbia

Embark on a unique early springtime 4x4 adventure where the locals will teach us the art of gold panning, and you'll get a chance to conquer demanding offroad trails that surpass everything that you can expect in the seemingly tame and pastoral hills of eastern Serbia.

910 €

Zdravča – Homoljski vikend

Homolje Krepoljin

Dogovorili smo se da predstojećeg vikenda krenemo ka Zdravči kao krajnjem cilju, tražeći neki pristup kojim još nismo prošli. Krenite sa nama!

Serbian Snow Adventure


When the wind starts howling, wave after wave of snow blizzards encase the Kučaj mountains in white, everyone flees them as fast as possible, knowing that they can be stranded there until springtime. Everyone, except us...

910 €