Serbia is sort of a newcomer to the European adventure travel market – having fewer mountains higher than 2000 m than the surrounding countries, it was always regarded as less attractive and less wild by enthusiasts. But is it really so?
Tag Archives: camping
South Serbian Nomad’s Adventure
Magic of eastern Serbia, part two
Building on the success of Eastern Serbian Nomad’s Adventure, we take the journey further south. Stara planina left the participants in true overlander’s extasy – the sheer beauty of the mountain, the rich experience of the landscapes, combined with demanding trails, make you crave to return! So we’re starting our south Serbian journey from there. Southeast Serbia is the home to all the highest Serbian mountains, giving you the opportunity to float on endless grassy ridges. The kind of landscape typical for Stara planina goes on for an entire week in this tour, revealing to the participants mountains such as Ruj, Vardenik, Suva, Besna Kobila and Dukat.
There will be TWO South Serbian Nomad’s Adventure tours in 2016 – one in July, and the other in September. For more info and application form please visit the tour announcement on Rustika Travel website.
Classic Carpathians Adventure
This is where you start with your Carpathians discovery
The endlessness of the Carpathian mountain ridges is nowhere so grand as it is in the southern Carpathians… Between Tirgu Jiu in the South, Sibiu in the East, Caransebes in the West and Sebes in the North lie around 10.000 square kilometres of endless mountain ridges, where fairy-tale-like pine forests roam in with striking green pastures, roaring mountain rivers, emerald lakes… It’s simply the perfect 4×4 adventurer’s playground, where you can reach numerous 2000+ m peaks on wheels, enjoy fantastic camping spots, and where every day is a new challenge. Enjoy your Classic Carpathians adventure there!
More info and application form in the tour announcement on Rustika Travel website.
Transylvania 2016 – the western Carpathians
A journey of discovering the deepest secrets of Romanian forests
The south Carpathians are a classic, but if you’ve already seen them, you’ll want something different. And western Carpathians are different indeed. There you don’t get the endless 2000+ m ridge journeys, but instead you dive into the enchanting, rich forests, that hold a lot of mystery, surprises and serious offroad challenges, making it a daily randezvous with the unknown. From the forests, rivers and waterfalls of Cheile-Nerei national park and Anina mountains in the south, to the enchanting rocky peaks and caves of divine beauty in the Apuseni nature park. Western Carpathians are the hidden gem of Romania, waiting to be revealed!
More info and application form on the tour announcement page on Rustika Travel site.
Iron Gate and the stone arches
A 4×4 journey along the Danube, the cradle of Europe
It was the Iron Gate gorge on the banks of the mighty Danube river where Lepenski Vir civilization sprouted 7000 years ago. In the meantime many have passed through those jungles, making a living from the big river, and building trade routes along it. During the demanding offroading tours some of our guests called this biggest continous forest in Serbia “Serbian Amazon jungle”. No wonder – passing along it is very similar to an exotic jungle adventure! Rocks protruding high above the Danube offer some amazing scenic points, and wandering inland reveals hidden river valleys, canyons, caves and waterfalls. And of course, the famous stone arches of eastern Serbia!
More info and application form in the tour announcement on Rustika Travel site.
Through the wilderness of eastern Serbia
A true overlanding camping adventure

The thing that makes eastern Serbia so special is the fact that it’s one of the few remaining sparsely inhabited wildernesses in Europe. It’s the kind of place that you’re dreaming about when you want to break all your ties with everyday life and find silence and unspoiled nature somewhere. And freedom, yes, that is the key factor. Because, unspoiled nature throughout Europe is in most places actually spoiled by guards, cameras, rules, which are there to, allegedly, “protect” that nature, but actually keep reminding you of the things you want to forget about. And you every move is closely monitored. But not in eastern Serbia, no. You can really wander for days there without meeting a single human being, without being forced to obey any regulation or rule, except the natural, logical ones. You can really forget about the place where you’ve come from. You can be relaxed, and FREE. Continue reading Through the wilderness of eastern Serbia
Top jeeper’s camping spots of eastern Serbia
Written by: Aleksandar Veljković
One of the first thoughts we stumble upon when we look at our Jeep is that we’re looking at our tool for the perfect escape, our ticket to freedom, our chance to get away from it all – the toy we use to get wherever we want, whenever we want. To get away from all the rules, restrictions, control, the noise, the hassle, the ever ringing mobile phones and other gadgets. Hm, isn’t that a great idea? Finding places with no mobile reception, getting a chance to listen only to the birds, streams and the wind? 😉 Knowing that the holy silence cannot be interrupted as long as you don’t interrupt it yourself? But how do you find such places?
Continue reading Top jeeper’s camping spots of eastern Serbia