We’ve packed together the images and video from our West Serbian and Montenegrian highlands 2016 – a long name for an unearthly beautiful, relaxed experience!
Tag Archives: offroad
Discovering wild Balkans
Written by:
Aleksandar Veljković
When mountains in the central part of the Balkans start having freezing temperatures at night in the autumn, it’s time to head south, to the warm, meditteranean part of the peninsula. That is exactly what we do every year in the Balkans Wild Tracks tour. This is the adventure we’ve experienced between October 20th and November 5th in Greece, Albania, Macedonia and Serbia.

Where are we taking you in 2017?
“Don’t live the same year 75 times, and call it a life.”
Yes – every new year is a new chance to add meaning to our lives with new adventures in places you haven’t seen before. And we offer to take you to those places, because we know where they are. Every season we explore and discover new ones, so even the tours that seem to be the same in our calendar are never the same as they were last year – every time we make them we try to achieve a higher level of traveller’s bliss, always adding to them something new and different 😎 Take a look at where and how we’ll be taking you in 2017… Continue reading Where are we taking you in 2017?
Homolje Gold Rush
Early springtime mud fun in the mystical eastern Serbia
The Homolje mountains are a place where green pastures and rich forests on steep slopes were home for shepperds for centuries. And the hidden valleys, like a maze well tucked away from civilization, inspired people to resort to magic and sourcery, so it’s full of legends. But one of the strongest local traditions is that of gold panning in the rivers! So the locals will teach us that art, in the midst of touring caves of breathtaking beauty (also known as places of hidden gold), and conquering demanding offroad trails that surpass everything that you can expect in those, seemingly tame and pastoral hills. Embark on a unique early springtime 4×4 adventure!
See the full tour announcement (and registration form) on the Rustika Travel site.
Homolje Gold Rush 2016
Written by
Aleksandar Veljković
After the experience with the “winter tour” in April last year we wanted the beginning of the springtime season of Rustika Travel tours to be a true springtime event, with minimum risk of snow, and lots of mud and a chance to watch the nature sprouting and waking up after the winter sleep. So we decided to make it in the lower mountains of northeast Serbia, where the risk of late winter conditions wasn’t so great like in the higher mountains. And it turned out we managed to hit the point – the tour was a 100% success! 😎
Nomadic journey of south Serbia
Serbia is sort of a newcomer to the European adventure travel market – having fewer mountains higher than 2000 m than the surrounding countries, it was always regarded as less attractive and less wild by enthusiasts. But is it really so?
Karpati 2011 – udisanje slobode
Izveštaj napisao: Aleksandar Veljković
Kada pasioniranog ofroudera bacite u Karpate, to je kao da ste ljubitelja slatkiša pustili u fabriku čokolade. To je nesagledivo ogroman prostor visokih planinskih venaca koji se nadovezuju jedni na druge bez prestanka. Moćni huk planinskih reka uz brojne vodopade, travnati grebeni koji se protežu do horizonta, beskrajne četinarske šume, planinska jezera, a sve to naizgled bez kraja i početka. Ukoliko se previše zanesete u svojoj istraživačkoj pasiji lako vam se može desiti da vam gorivo stigne na rezervu i naprasno shvatite da u krugu od 100 km vazdušne linije oko vas ne postoji nijedna benzinska stanica. Zato su u Karpatima za vlasnike benzinaca sa plinom oba napunjena rezervoara obavezna, a za ostale – kantica sa rezervnim gorivom na krovu.