IT technology has given many people the means to explore hidden and obscured parts of the world and to do individual tour planning without the help of commercial tour guides. Google Maps are a great tool for getting an insight into topography not covered by official roadmaps, but if you think you can plan a tour only based on what you see in Google maps coupled with the tracks that can be downloaded from the free GPS data portals like Wikiloc, you’re in for some nasty surprises. And should be well prepared for changing your plan often while you’re on the move. Continue reading Self-organized or guided tour?
Category Archives: News
Vesti iz života kluba kao i druge zanimljivosti iz ofroud sveta koje smatramo bitnim za objavu na našim stranicama.
News from our club or other things from the 4×4 world that we find interesting.
Three new videos from our studio
Our winter video production is picking up pace – we’ve recently made three new videos from the material recorded during the 2017 season tours. The latest one is the Eastern Serbian Nomad’s Adventure tour video
This tour has now evolved into the Secret Carpathians tour series, but this June 2017 tour edition had a very intimate atmosphere with memorable singing and guitar playing by the campfire. Check it out!
Winter issue of Camping & 4WD magazine is out
In their winter issue of Camping & 4WD Adventures, have published so far the most comprehensive coverage of our story of overlanding the Balkans – and have used many of our images to illustrate the issue. We’re delighted how it worked out, take a look!
Offroad mit Herz für die Natur
Lange haben wir in diversen Foren nach Anbietern von Offroadreisen gesucht. Dabei sind wir auch immer wieder über Rustikatravel und Aleksander gestolpert.
Irgendwann haben wir dann auch den Newsfeed abonniert, seine Kommentare, seine Informationen, seine Statements haben es uns angetan. Warum das?
Video from Homolje Gold Rush 2017
There’s a new video in our collection – the one from Homolje Gold Rush tour, conducted in April this year. We’ve finally started producing the video material from this very busy season, so enjoy!
If you want to experience it yourself in April 2018, click below 🙂×4/scheduled/homolje-gold-rush/
Read a comprehensive report about the Homolje Gold Rush 2017 tour on our blog
Warum eine Balkan Reise mit uns?
5 gute Gründe warum Sie an einer Rustika Travel Overland Tour auf dem Balkan teilnehmen sollten:
1. Wir haben die größte geografische Datenbank mit interessanten Allradstrecken – 150.000 km, gesammelt durch 40 Jahre Abenteuerreise in der Region, garantieren Ihnen das Beste in einer kompromisslosen Tour.
Partnerschaft mit JCD
Im August hat der Jeep Club Deutschland die Partnerschaft mit Rustika Travel bekannt gegeben. Was bedeutet das für JCD-Mitglieder?
Two new photo albums
We have just published two photo albums with more than 400 assorted images from two most impressive and picturesque tours, which were the crown of the season – Montenegrian Highlands 2017 and Balkans Wild Tracks 2017.
Off-Road-Reise als Familientour, geht das überhaupt?
South Serbia in 2017
Wir, das ist eine vierköpfige Familie mit zwei Kindern im Alter von 8 und 10 Jahren. Das Lastenvieh war ein Disco 3.
Um es vorweg zu nehmen, ja mit Alek von geht es.
Sogar gut und unvergesslich schön.
Continue reading Off-Road-Reise als Familientour, geht das überhaupt?
South Serbian Nomad’s Adventure 2017
Explore the images from the greatest nomadic experience you can have in Serbia – edition 2017, which took place from July 16th to 22nd 🙂