A memorable 4-day overlanding (4×4) tour through the unbelievable scenery of southwest Serbia and north-central Montenegro, which took place between July 2nd and 5th 2017. Guided by Serbianoutdoor4x4 / Rustika Travel
Category Archives: News
Vesti iz života kluba kao i druge zanimljivosti iz ofroud sveta koje smatramo bitnim za objavu na našim stranicama.
News from our club or other things from the 4×4 world that we find interesting.
Eastern Serbian Nomad’s Adventure 2017
Photo album from another epic overlanding adventure in the Serbian Carpathians with a small, but inspiring group!
Iron Gate and the Stone Arches 2017
The album from the Iron Gate and the Stone Arches 2017 tour has been published – take a look. It was not only a memorable tour through the Iron Gate gorge, but we’ve also captured some really great photo material!
Land Rover club Slovenia discovering Serbian Carpathians
Photo album from the eastern Serbian tour of Land Rover club Slovenia lasting for 4 days + one video revealing a great little 4×4 river trail from the tour.
Romanian tours suspended
Yes, we have made the difficult decision to suspend Romanian tours in 2017, and we are not planning any in 2018 either (which does not mean that we will not tour Romania unofficially, in small scouting groups). We reserve the possibility to reenact our Romanian tours in the future, if the circumstances change.
Homolje Gold Rush 2017
2 in 1 – a springtime & winter experience
Homolje Gold Rush is traditionally the tour which opens our main 4×4 season each springtime. A tour in the magnificent serbian Carpathian mountains, offering all kinds of sensations and challenges to the participant – from technical driving, through breathtaking vistas from attractive scenic viewpoints, deep forests, canyons, river crossing, etc. On top of all that, it’s an overwhelming cultural experience, in an area with an ancient gold panning tradition spanning hundreds of years in the past, with an organized visit to the biggest gold mine in Serbia. So there was really a lot to see and experience for the participants.
Serbia 100% safe
You’ve probably seen reports about demonstrations in Serbia these days, and you might have thought “oh, what am I going to do, will I get killed if I go to Serbia?” Keep calm, because nothing violent, dramatic or drastic is happening, and certainly nothing that could endanger either yourself, or your vehicle. We’ve been very busy these days conducting the tours, and taking nice photos of our adventures like the one you see here. However much we’d like to, we haven’t found time to attend the demonstrations so far and, believe it or not, although our headquarters are in the centre of Belgrade, we haven’t had the opportunity to even see the demonstators live. So, even if you’re only a few kilometres away from the national parliament where everything is taking place, you’ll hardly notice that anything is going on, unless you look at news web sites. And the places where your tours will take place this spring are not a few, but rather a few hundred kilometres away – being there, you wouldn’t even notice if a war errupted in Belgrade, and there is 0% chance of that happening.
So be cool, pack your stuff, take your passport and come to Serbia totally relaxed. Everything is functioning normally – the supermarkets, the restaurants, the hotels, the gas stations, everything is still 100% safe, and for us it’s just business as usual
Offroad in Romania revisited – safe or forbidden?
Exactly three months ago we’ve tried to give an analysis of what is going on in Romania, and the future of offroading in this, probably most popular European country for organizing offroad tours (we’ve covered the theme in this post). In the meantime we haven’t become much smarter or better informed about the subject, so the essential dilemmas still exist. There have been people doubting that there is any truth in what we’ve written, with the key argument “but tour operators are conducting business as usual in 2017?”
Well, if you analize the Romanian tour market carefully, it’s not exactly “business as usual”, or at least not the way it was done some years ago. Of course, the big tour operators, especially those whose main focus of business is on Romania and Carpathian tours, have a vital interest to keep the tours functioning as normal as possible, hiding all the efforts they’re investing to achieve that. But subtle changes in the tour spectre can be seen.
Continue reading Offroad in Romania revisited – safe or forbidden?
Lost world of eastern Serbia – video
Better late than never – we’ve finally produced the video from the fantastic tour we’ve guided for Lost World Adventures in July / August 2016. The participants were truly overwhelmed, and we believe eastern Serbia just doesn’t get any better than that. Take a look at this great video…
and, of course, take a look at the photo album with more than 250 selected images from 10 days of this tour.
Water isn’t your friend
Offroad tour organizers really don’t invest an effort to educate 4×4 vehicle owners just how harmful water can be to their machines – they rather try to sell “exciting” tours, and what looks more exciting to a novice than submerging the vehicle in a meter of water or mud?
You don’t have to learn it the hard way. You can read what Top Gear experts have to say on the subject for a change.