We completed our 2017 tour video production by releasing videos from two of the biggest overland adventures that we have conducted so far.
The first one was known as the South Serbian Nomad’s Adventure tour, and it was really memorable in July 2017. But only now have we found the time to process the video material and make a proper video out of it. It is, essentially, the tour which evolved into the Secret Carpathians, that we have in our calendar for 2018.
Building on the success of Eastern Serbian Nomad’s Adventure, we take the journey further south. Stara planina left the participants in true overlander’s extasy – the sheer beauty of the mountain, the rich experience of the landscapes, combined with demanding trails, make you crave to return! So we’re starting our south Serbian journey from there. Southeast Serbia is the home to all the highest Serbian mountains, giving you the opportunity to float on endless grassy ridges. The kind of landscape typical for Stara planina goes on for an entire week in this tour, revealing to the participants mountains such as Ruj, Vardenik, Suva, Besna Kobila and Dukat.
Better late than never – we’ve finally produced the video from the fantastic tour we’ve guided for Lost World Adventures in July / August 2016. The participants were truly overwhelmed, and we believe eastern Serbia just doesn’t get any better than that. Take a look at this great video…
When mountains in the central part of the Balkans start having freezing temperatures at night in the autumn, it’s time to head south, to the warm, meditteranean part of the peninsula. That is exactly what we do every year in the Balkans Wild Tracks tour. This is the adventure we’ve experienced between October 20th and November 5th in Greece, Albania, Macedonia and Serbia.
Serbia is sort of a newcomer to the European adventure travel market – having fewer mountains higher than 2000 m than the surrounding countries, it was always regarded as less attractive and less wild by enthusiasts. But is it really so?
Building on the success of Eastern Serbian Nomad’s Adventure, we take the journey further south. Stara planina left the participants in true overlander’s extasy – the sheer beauty of the mountain, the rich experience of the landscapes, combined with demanding trails, make you crave to return! So we’re starting our south Serbian journey from there. Southeast Serbia is the home to all the highest Serbian mountains, giving you the opportunity to float on endless grassy ridges. The kind of landscape typical for Stara planina goes on for an entire week in this tour, revealing to the participants mountains such as Ruj, Vardenik, Suva, Besna Kobila and Dukat.
There will be TWO South Serbian Nomad’s Adventure tours in 2016 – one in July, and the other in September. For more info and application form please visit the tour announcement on Rustika Travel website.
Kod Kaca kamena na Bugarskoj granici (foto Dragan Ćirković)
I 4×4 učesnici priključiće se pohodu na Staru planinu koju KAUP organizuje prvog vikenda jula (pogledajte detaljnu najavu ovde). Idemo do nedvosmisleno najlepšeg dela Stare planine, doline Dojkinačke reke, odnosno Arbinja, gde ćemo kampovati. Pešaci će odatle, krećući se uz reku, obići najatraktivnije vodopade i popeti se na Tri Čuke, a nama motorizovanima će se pružiti prilika da na relativno lak način stignemo do najnepristupačnijeg i najvišeg vodopada Stare planine, Koprenskog, visokog čak 100 metara.
Koprenski vodopad, gornja kaskada (fotografija preuzeta sa sajta pirotskevesti.rs)
Ovaj vodopad nalazi se visoko nad prašumskom dolinom reke Jelovice, pod samim gotovo 2000 m visokim zaravnjenim platoom vrha Koprena. Mi ćemo našim terencima stići do Kaca kamena, na samoj granici sa Bugarskom, a onda ćemo, probijajući se pešice grebenom preko ne baš lakog terena (strmina, kleka, kamenjar) uložiti dodatni napor kako bismo stigli do samog vodopada (za to će nam sigurno trebati još par sati pešačenja).
Drugog dana ture, kada pešačka ekipa bude išla do Rsovaca i prolazila kanjon Vladikine ploče, mi ćemo krenuti na vrlo atraktivan uspon ka Vrtibogu preko Kovačeva, odakle ćemo se spustiti na Zavojsko jezero i sa ostatkom KAUP-a ponovo sastati u Pirotu. Prelazak grebenom do Vrtiboga je uvek izuzetan doživljaj, nešto u šta se neizostavno upuštaju svi ofroud karavani i ekspedicije koje posećuju Staru planinu.
Napomena: Uspon preko Kovačeva spada među tehnički zahtevnije, tako da nije za “lite” terence. S obzirom da tu po pravilu ima manje ili više blata, veoma je poželjno da imate MT gume (ili vitlo kojim biste se izvlačili u slučaju potrebe).
U širinama grebena koji vodi ka Vrtibogu
Iz Beograda krećemo u petak, 3. jula u 16 h sa parkinga iza Sava Centra, a vraćamo se u nedelju 5. jula u večernjim časovima. Obe noći kampujemo u Arbinju. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani da nam se pridružite, molio bih da mi to javite na telefon 064 1159852 ili mejlom na sale@serbianoutdoor.com.
Sedmodnevna kamperska tura kroz najživopisnije predele istočne Srbije, koja kreće od Beljanice i Kučajskih planina, zatim prelazi preko Lazarevog kanjona, Malinika i Rtnja, da bi doživela svoje veliko finale na Staroj planini. Posebne pogodnosti za članove KAUP-a. Detaljan program ture možete videti na Rustika Travel sajtu.