
We have rebranded – welcome to Dreamscape Overland!

Today we have layed a milestone in our overlanding tour operator business – we are rebranding from Rustika Expeditions (Rustika Travel) to Dreamscape Overland, the brand under which all of our 2025 (and future) tours will take place. We are rebranding in order to expand and diversify our business, bringing you more of what you really expect from us. We have expanded our team of guides, and with our new tour portfolio for 2025 we are reaching out to the groups of our potential customers which we have previously ignored – on one side those who are more into travelling than driving challenges, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, those who want much more of a driving challenge in our tours. A third, hybrid tour genre we will launch a little later, and that will be tours which combine offroad driving with hiking.

Continue reading We have rebranded – welcome to Dreamscape Overland!

Our offroad / overlanding tours in 2024

(Klicken Sie hier für Deutsch)

It’s been almost 10 years since we’ve started offering offroad / overlanding tours in the Balkans under Rustika label, and in that time we’ve become best known for our total wilderness tours. These tours feature some incredible wild campsites far from civilization and major roads, often in deep forests with no mobile signal, in places where we would probably be undisturbed for as long as we decide to stay there. Serbia is especially famous for such abandoned places deep in the wild, but Bulgaria, with an even lower population density than Serbia, isn’t short on them either.

Our offroad / overlanding tours feature some unbelievably beautiful wild campspots

Lets start with the hotel tours this time

However, not all of our customers are fans of the jungle adventure survival style, that sometimes includes a fierce struggle with the elements. We are well aware that there are people who prefer to have a warm bed, a restaurant, hot spa and sauna after a day on the trail, and that is why we are offering three hotel tours in Serbia too. But due to a lack of demand lately, it seems that our potential customers aren’t aware of that fact. So we will start the overview of our 2024 offerings with those three hotel tours.

Continue reading Our offroad / overlanding tours in 2024

Unsere offroad / overland Touren in 2024

(click here for English)

Es ist fast 10 Jahre her dass wir begonnen haben Offroad / Overland Touren auf dem Balkan unter dem Label Rustika anzubieten, und in dieser Zeit sind wir vor allem für unsere Total Wildnis Touren bekannt geworden. Auf diesen Touren finden Sie einige unglaublich schöne Campingplätze fernab der Zivilisation und großer Straßen, oft in tiefen Wäldern ohne Mobilfunkempfang, an Orten an denen wir wahrscheinlich so lange ungestört bleiben können wie wir uns entscheiden dort zu bleiben. Serbien ist vor allem für solche verlassenen Orte tief in der Wildnis bekannt, aber auch in Bulgarien, wo die Bevölkerungsdichte noch geringer ist als in Serbien, mangelt es ihnen nicht.

Unsere Offroad-/Overlandtouren bieten einige unglaublich schöne wilde Campingplätze

Beginnen wir dieses Mal mit den Hoteltouren

Allerdings sind nicht alle unserer Kunden Fans des Dschungelabenteuer-Überlebensstils, der manchmal einen heftigen Kampf mit den Natur beinhaltet. Wir sind uns bewusst dass es Menschen gibt die nach einem Tag auf dem Trail lieber ein warmes Bett, ein Restaurant, ein heißes Spa und eine Sauna haben möchten, und deshalb bieten wir auch drei Hoteltouren in Serbien an. Aufgrund der in letzter Zeit mangelnden Nachfrage scheinen sich unsere potenziellen Kunden dieser Tatsache jedoch nicht bewusst zu sein. Deshalb beginnen wir den Überblick über unser Angebot für 2024 mit diesen drei Hoteltouren.

Continue reading Unsere offroad / overland Touren in 2024

2023 photo galleries fully updated

We have updated the photo album with 5 new galleries from our 2023 tours, so that now last season is completed, and you can find it in the usual place:

Photo album

The albums which we have added are from the Ancient Trails, Secret Carpathians, Montenegro Highlands, Rhodopean Quest and Trails of Gods tours.

Our hotel accomodation offroad tours – closer look

Although we are best known for our legendary total wilderness tours, we also make hotel accomodation offroad tours, at least in Serbia. And some very good ones! But that lately seems to be slipping the attention of that large offroading population who prefer hotels to camping. What could be the reason? Maybe we have shifted our focus off those tours? Maybe you can’t believe that Serbia could possibly have decent hotels?

That is what this video is intended for – to give you a picture what our hotel tours actually look like (including the impressions of some participants), and to draw your attention to the dates of those tours.

See you for some offroading fun in Serbia soon! 🙂

Click here to find out more about or book one of our tours.

Halfseason 2022 overview – Ancient Trails and Montenegro Highlands galleries created

Our 2022 season is at full pace. We’ve had 7 fabulous tours in the Balkans countries so far, and 4 more are awaiting us in the second part of the season. We have just managed to put a few more photo albums online, which cover the Ancient Trails tour (June), as well as the two Montenegro Highlands tours (July).

Montenegro Highlands 2022 gallery – click on image to enter

Continue reading Halfseason 2022 overview – Ancient Trails and Montenegro Highlands galleries created

New photo gallery added

We have just added the photo gallery from the two Homolje Goldrush 2022 tours, which took place between April 10th and 23rd 2022. Just like we always expect from April, we’ve had sun and rain, even snow, so all driving conditions were present in the tour, occasionally putting the participants before challenging tasks in the golden mountains of eastern Serbia. We also visited the Majdanpek goldmine, as well as Todor’s river, where we were demonstrated the ancient art of gold prospecting.

You can take a look at the 120 images selected for the photo album here.


Zwischen Winter und Frühling in ost Serbien

Sollten Sie nach Serbien reisen? Marco war 10 Mal dort, also ist dies eine Gelegenheit herauszufinden warum.

Das neue Video das gerade auf unserem YouTube Kanal veröffentlicht wurde, zeigt Ihnen wie Marco Abel Ende März 2022 die Wildnis Ostserbiens erkundete, gerade als der Winter dem Frühling Platz machte. Entdecken Sie diese spannende Landschaft und hören Sie was Marco über seine bisherigen Erfahrungen zu sagen hat.

Neuer Termin für Geheimnis der Karpaten Tour

Aufgrund des großen Interesses haben wir einen zusätzlichen Termin für unsere Indian Summer Tour durch die serbischen Karpaten eingeführt! So gibt es im Oktober wieder die Möglichkeit eine Hoteltour zu buchen – https://www.rustikatravel.com/de/secret-carpathians/

Bei den Wildcampingtouren im gleichen Gebiet im Juni und August haben wir noch freie Plätze. Während die Hoteltouren 6 Tage dauern, zeigen Ihnen die Campingtouren 10 Tage lang ein viel größeres Gebiet und besuchen auch einige tiefe Wildnisgebiete, in denen es keine Hotels gibt (die also nur bei Wildcampingtouren besucht werden können).

New videos on our YouTube channel

Winter is always a time of intense activity when it comes to writing and producing multimedia material from previous season, so this one is no exception. In the past month we’ve made several attractive videos, of which probably the one that will draw most attention is the Albanian Wild Tracks 2021 video:

Continue reading New videos on our YouTube channel