Tag Archives: Albania

Halfseason 2022 overview – Ancient Trails and Montenegro Highlands galleries created

Our 2022 season is at full pace. We’ve had 7 fabulous tours in the Balkans countries so far, and 4 more are awaiting us in the second part of the season. We have just managed to put a few more photo albums online, which cover the Ancient Trails tour (June), as well as the two Montenegro Highlands tours (July).

Montenegro Highlands 2022 gallery – click on image to enter

Continue reading Halfseason 2022 overview – Ancient Trails and Montenegro Highlands galleries created

New videos on our YouTube channel

Winter is always a time of intense activity when it comes to writing and producing multimedia material from previous season, so this one is no exception. In the past month we’ve made several attractive videos, of which probably the one that will draw most attention is the Albanian Wild Tracks 2021 video:

Continue reading New videos on our YouTube channel

4 new photo galleries added

We have just updated the photo album section of our website by publishing 4 new galleries with selected images from season 2021 tours. Although a short season (which started as late as July) consisting of only 6 tours, if was a feast of some great people in great places, and thousands of great images, which wasn’t easy to filter out leaving just some of them. Four tours (one three times) in four different Balkan countries – Serbia, Montenegro, Albania and Bulgaria.

Rush to the photo album section and take a peek!

Offroad tours in the Balkans in 2022

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After an interruption in our offroad tours that lasted for a year and a half, in July 2021 our tours finally resumed. We had a really wonderful second part of the year – many tours, many happy people, great weather and unforgettable memories from some fantastic places. The Balkans is still the last remaining true wilderness in Europe, an exciting, dynamic landscape to explore, offering you true freedom to go anywhere and camp in the wild. So better enjoy it while it lasts!

Continue reading Offroad tours in the Balkans in 2022

Video from BWT 2019

We have published the video from the 2019 Balkans Wild Tracks tour. This epic tour has been our bestseller for the past several years. Take a look to find out why!

2020. BWT tours are already booked out, but you can reserve your spot for 2021. Visit the tour page on our company website for more info – https://www.rustikatravel.com/bwt/.

Secret Carpathians / BWT 2017 videos

We completed our 2017 tour video production by releasing videos from two of the biggest overland adventures that we have conducted so far.

The first one was known as the South Serbian Nomad’s Adventure tour, and it was really memorable in July 2017. But only now have we found the time to process the video material and make a proper video out of it. It is, essentially, the tour which evolved into the Secret Carpathians, that we have in our calendar for 2018.

Continue reading Secret Carpathians / BWT 2017 videos

Our 2018 offroad tour calendar

*UPDATED – take a look at the 2019 season tours!*

Keep up the good things and improve them – that is exactly what happened to our offroad tour offerings, which have made the Balkans an instant bestseller in the overland travel market several years ago. The 2018 tour portfolio is derived from the 2017 tours, but every one of them has been further improved, as we think there’s always a way to get closer to perfection. Lets look into the details. Continue reading Our 2018 offroad tour calendar

Balkans Wild Tracks video

We have just produced the video from the first of our Balkans Wild Tracks tours in 2017, which was guided for the clients of our Dutch partner, 4WD Travel. Fascinating terrain of Greece, Albania and Macedonia (FYROM easily produces a fascinating video. Enjoy!

And if you want to secure your place in the Balkans Wild Tracks 2018 tour, you can do it here:
