Short, concise reports from offroad adventures drawn up and organized by Aleksandar Veljković for Rustika Travel, Serbianoutdoor and others (more extensive texts can be found in the section Travelogues).
Pretežno kraći, koncizni Izveštaji sa dosadašnjih ofroud avantura koje je osmislio i organizovao Aleksandar Veljković za agenciju Rustika Travel ili KAUP, odnosno neformalnih putovanja (opširnije putopisne reportaže nalaze se u sekciji Putopisi).
Lange haben wir in diversen Foren nach Anbietern von Offroadreisen gesucht. Dabei sind wir auch immer wieder über Rustikatravel und Aleksander gestolpert.
Irgendwann haben wir dann auch den Newsfeed abonniert, seine Kommentare, seine Informationen, seine Statements haben es uns angetan. Warum das?
Homolje Gold Rush is traditionally the tour which opens our main 4×4 season each springtime. A tour in the magnificent serbian Carpathian mountains, offering all kinds of sensations and challenges to the participant – from technical driving, through breathtaking vistas from attractive scenic viewpoints, deep forests, canyons, river crossing, etc. On top of all that, it’s an overwhelming cultural experience, in an area with an ancient gold panning tradition spanning hundreds of years in the past, with an organized visit to the biggest gold mine in Serbia. So there was really a lot to see and experience for the participants.
Yes, we haven’t found time to mention any of our tours since Homolje Gold Rush this past spring – and there’s been some… 12 or 13 of them inbetween, if we count both the official and unofficial ones. We’ve been in Serbia (all over), Romania and Montenegro, and that won’t be the end of the list. So let’s make just a quick run through the places we’ve visited in 2016. But first…
The video from the Serbian Snow Adventure we owe you. Almost 8 months delayed, but better late than never 🙂 With a bit of luck, the rest of the video material from this season will be processed as the new winter approaches. So here it is, enjoy! 😎
Huh, that was really intense, wasn’t it? And where have we been doing during the spring and summer season?
Homolje mountains aren’t tall – they hardly exceed 1000 m at their highest point, but they’re a fantastic 4×4 playground of interconnected ridges with steep sides and numerous smaller and bigger stream and river valleys, ideal for exploring and searching creative ways to reach places. Springtime stretches a carpet of flowery meadows over Homolje, and early springtime such as the beginning of March (technically still winter) gives a rare opportunity to experience mud challenges while the higher mountains are still under a thick snow cover. This was one of such early springtime ventures into the wonders of Homolje.
This February has been a very active month for us. First we’ve (in cooperation with Rustika Travel) successfully conducted Serbian Snow Adventure, and a week later visited our friends from Jeep Club Romania (AJCR) who celebrated their 4th anniversary in Baia de Fier in the Carpathians, from February 12th to 14th.
Tokom januara 2016. godine smo na Homoljsko-Kučajskom području bili vrlo aktivni, dokazavši u više navrata da nadaleko čuveni Kučajski smetovi ne moraju biti prepreka za prolaz preko ovog prostranstva impozantne divljine istočne Srbije. 10. januara smo, u saradnji sa prijateljima iz kluba Resava 4×4 i etno domaćinstvom Milanović iz Lipovice u konvoju od 13 terenaca uspeli u osvajanju Beljanice, iako dubina snega na prilazima vrhu nije bila nimalo naivna.
Winter has come a bit early this year. Kučaj and other higher mountains of eastern Serbia have seen their fair share or snowflakes before December even began. So we set out to carve our way through virgin snow. This is what we’ve experienced.
Serbia is sort of a newcomer to the European adventure travel market – having fewer mountains higher than 2000 m than the surrounding countries, it was always regarded as less attractive and less wild by enthusiasts. But is it really so?
Nature is changing faster than we can imagine. A forest trail that we once passed can be lost overnight due to a landslide, or deteriorate beyond usable state very fast due to excessive vegetation growth or fallen trees after extreme storms. If not regularly used, a forest trail can become unrecognizable and completely disappear in less than 5 years. So a collection of GPS tracks is only good if it’s made up of regularly inspected, and updated trails.